Who We Are
We are First Baptist Church Henryville...
We are Baptist in Denomination: We are a local congregation that aligns with and participates in the Southern Baptist Convention. We are Congregational in Polity: We are elder led, deacon served, and congregationally governed. We are Confessional in Doctrine: We hold to the Baptist Faith and Message (2000) as a summary statement of our beliefs. We are Covenantal in Membership: Church membership matters, and because it matters members must affirm the responsibilities and expectations of membership and agree to submit to and be held accountable to and by the church. We are Expositional in Preaching: We believe that the lost are saved and Christians are grown when the Bible is preached and taught as the inspired and inerrant Word of God. We are Focused in Mission: We exist to glorify God in all things, by proclaiming the gospel of Christ to all people, so their lives are transformed for all time. We believe it is our mission as a local church to live out that purpose in Southern Indiana, the Louisville area, and around the world!
Our Roots
We are a local Baptist Church that is aligned with and a contributing member of the Southern Baptist Convention. We gladly cherish the beliefs and doctrines taught in the Bible, which we believe to be the only inerrant and infallible source of truth. As a summary statement of those beliefs taught in Scripture, we hold to the Baptist Faith and Message (2000). You may read this statement of faith, which is the summary of beliefs from the Southern Baptist Convention, at the following link: The Baptist Faith and Message (2000)
Reinforcing our Commitment
FBC Henryville takes membership in our church very seriously because we take unity, commitment, and the gospel seriously. One way we seek to observe and protect our unity and faithfulness to the gospel is by having very clear expectations for all individuals who seek membership with our church. These expectations are published in our Covenant of Fellowship. Each person who joins our church is expected to participate in a new member class and to affirm through signing the covenant below:
Covenant of Fellowship
For First Baptist Church Henryville
Having, as we trust, been brought by divine grace to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and to give up ourselves to him as our Savior and our Lord, and having been baptized by immersion in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit upon our profession of faith, relying on his gracious aid, solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another.